Sunday, September 30


Just because I say we can get a fish, does not mean that I have the money to outfit the whole freakin' aqaruim right away. Jeezz, kids!
Early Morning

Actually it's not too early. After 8 a.m. Jamila and Lee Lee went to a sleep over Birthday party last night so I only have 3 kids in the house. Destiny had went to the party too, but she is too little yet for sleep overs that far from home. I can't believe how different it is to have only 3 children in the house. All are still sleeping! Leroy fell asleep in the Living room last night, so the only background noise I have as I type this is his snoring ;-). I have made my coffee, I can smell the slight aroma of hazelnut. I know the paper is out there, so in a few minutes I'll pad down the drive way in my bare feet to retrieve it.

Ahhhh, I just heard the pitter patter of little feet down the hallway. And there is Destiny! Dry accidents last night......yeah!

Anyone for a breakfast burrito?

Saturday, September 29

These are pictures my buddy Daniel took of folige, but mainly of his BEAUTIFUL Granddaughter.....Samantha. Check her out, she's gonna be a star!!
The Day after

Okay......I figured out how to do it and took my shot yesterday night. Expecting anything, because I have heard TONS of stuff on what the first shot does. I prayed for myself, which I usually do not do. And I had minimal sides effects so far. High temp, I slept through, Leroy said I was burning up, he gave me medicine. Hurt some this morning, but I am fixin' to take some Aleve.

I have found a wonder support group family on the Dephi forums, and I appreciate them! Well, I better find those Aleve!

Thursday, September 27


Well, I start my treatment for my cirrhosis tomorrow. There are suppose to be big side effects beginning after the first 5 hours so keep my in your prayers. I am just glad to be beginning. Chances are slim that it will work, but at least there is some chance! Also, the Doc said I have a Score of A in my cirrhosis of a possible A, B or C, C being that I would be needing a transplant. That's pretty good news too!

Wednesday, September 26

Hello Vaughn!
I have a headache

and my stomach doesn't really feel good either. I went back and helped the guys at HCC (noncustodial parents) do their "master applications this morming. Then, I went to the jail and spoke to a group of women in the Substance Abuse Class. Went back to work and knocked off a TON of email.

I'm out of carrots and apples, so no juice for me. I got pissed when I stopped the fruit stand and they wanted to sell apples 3 for a dollar, instead of 4 for a dollar, so I didn't get anything.

Jake is folding clothes, George is at a meeting for Kenly Little Soldiers, Jamila is at her friends house doing homework, Lee Lee just took a bath because she fell down and hurt her leg in the neighbor's yard, and Destiny is trying to get Jake to put in one of her VHS tapes. Leroy is still at work. He had a fender bender on the way this morning which made him late and he got a $90 ticket for improper changing lanes, but he had his blinker on and was changing and the guy tried to beat him. Oh well. He went to a cardioligist yesterday because he has been having chest pains, had an EKG, so far so good, but he has to have other tests.

I have to cook dinner. So what do you think I should cook, veggie and rice or veggies and pasta............

Tuesday, September 25

Urban Legends

My sister in California sent me a hoax story today about a virus being mailed to folks by snail mail. A human virus, LOLOLOL. I checked it out by emailing what was put down as the person who started it, and they sent me a link to where it said it was a hoax. I love proving those things wrong.

Well, I'm off to a mtg!

Monday, September 24

A quick note

Dinner (pancakes and scrambled eggs) is over, kids are clean and suppose to be in the bed. I went to the Dentist today and got my teeth cleaned. It sucked! I have two dead teeth, one right in front that the root has been broken on for about 20 years and the other off to the side. They are turning dark and the dentist wants to do a root canal on the one and take the other one out and do a bridge. I don't have the money for all that, even with dental insurance it would cost about $1,700. I have a small cavaty, but I want to wait til the beginning of the year to get it done. That way I will have my deductable paid for all year.

Work is consuming and it was all I can do just to get through the TON of work related email today. I have to do a couple of web pages for the website. I need to add an icon at the top of CDC's website, but I don't really know how, and don't think I have a good enough graphics software to make it match the rest. I could REALLY use help and/or suggestions!!!

Sunday, September 23

So far, so good

Coffee is made and in the process of being consumed. The three girls were up early watching cartoons, they are eating fruit loops and english muffins now. Teeth all brushed and faces washed. Paper is on the table waiting for me.

Georgie got up, but was acting I sent him back to bed to try again. Told him to come back out when he thought he had settled down some. Next step is to get beds made and rooms straighten though. Get dressed, and then back to get another cup of coffee and see what's in the paper.

Leroy is working AGAIN today. He gets off at 10 though hopefully, but has to go do some lawn maintenance which is his side business. I will stay home and try to get some stuff done around here. He will probably take the boys. If I am feeling perkier, I might even try to go and help. As it is, I just coordinate the work, schedule, do the billing, etc. to check my email!

Saturday, September 22

We can't cry hard enough...

That link was found at the site of my my Cowgirl buddy in California. Here site can be found at Black and Blue.
I've been visiting this site for quite a while. It was one of the first web logs I visited. He has a link in my "Visit Often" section, but I wanted to add one more so you would not miss his latest links! Visit The Ultimate Insult - The Smurfiest site to ever Smurf a Smurf! and laugh!
Might as well know what we are talking about. CIA -- The World Factbook -- Afghanistan

Link found at Everyone has their own opinions I guess. Not my business to express my disdain for anyone's here.
Fruits and Veggies

You know what I really need to do is learn how to make little sauces or something for noodles. It's kind of hard planning meals without meat. Guess I will go get the cook books down and see what they have to say. If I can just get the general idea, I can go from there. I think I have lost a little bit of weight. That is just an extra that comes along with it.

The kids and I did some light cleaning on the house this morning. Leroy is working. Then, we went to Taco Bell. George had one $5 worth of coupons at his Luau last night. He is a part of the Hills. Co. Rec Center's Little Soldier's program and they had a BIG party at the park last night. He bought all his sisters and brother something. You can do that with $5 at Taco Bell ;-). We went by my job and dropped of some of the training stuff I had in my van, and then went to the flea market where they have the cheapest fruits and veggies.

I got up at 5 a.m. to make Leroy breakfast and lunch and then went back to sleep and slept 'til after 9. It was kind of hard getting up this morning, but everything is running smoothly now.

I find myself in tears over the patriotic songs. Jake told me he wanted to enlist when he turns 18. I just can't see it. I wonder if there will be a draft by then. I guess I shouldn't project too much. I need to stick to one day at a time.
Light A Candle For Peace

Friday, September 21

America: A Tribute to Heroes

I've been messing around on the forums. Lots of good stuff. There are quite a few I like. I'm glad it's the weekend. Ready for a rest.

I bought the book "The Prayer of Jabez" today. I've been hearing a lot about it. I'll let you know how it is. Well, I haven't eaten yet, time for some carrot juice!

Wednesday, September 19

Play With Meeeee!!!

I took off work today to take the kids, Lee Lee and Georgie, to the Dentist. I left work at about 12:45. I plan on going back and doing my jail outreach starting tomorrow, so I also had to go by the court house and get the paperwork stating that my case had been dropped. I figured I would go by and get the kids first, go by the house and get the dental cards, go downtown and get the paperwork I need, take the kids to the dentist and be through.

Every step took a LONG time, escpecially trying to find parking downtown, then they had lost my records downtown and I almost never got out of there. From where I was to get to the dentist there was no quick way, especially since I really didn't know where the office was and had to take the long way. We finally got there almost a half hour late, but that part is okay, because the assholes were redecorating the office and there was no dentist there. They said they had called twice and left messages and that is a bunch of doo doo. Then she said she could reschedule us. Do I have to tell you what I told her?

After I finally got back on my side of town after 4 p.m., all I could do was SIT DOWN. I don't feel bad today though. I don't feel good, but I don't feel bad, and that is good enough for me. All that running around had wore me down, but I went to a 6 pm meeting and it was a cure all :o)! Georgie had cooked eggs for dinner by the time I had gotten home, I gave them cottage cheese and applesauce when I got here so all went well with that. Now Destiny is crying because Jamila won't help her take off her dress to take a bath, and the house is upside down. That's okay with me ;-).

I will go back into the jail tomorrow. I never thought I would. But you see that is God's plan for my life. Sharing my experience, strenghth and hope. God Bless you.........whoever you are reading this post. I hope you are well and life is treating you gracefully. God is love, and all is well.
Breaking News
God Bless America

Tuesday, September 18

Not good

I really don't feel well. I think I am getting a cold, or maybe it's the freakin' Hep C, I don't know. I always feel like I have a temp. My throught is all clogged up in the morning and I sneeze a little. Work is stressful, with tons of stuff to do and not enough time to do it in. The kids have pretty much all been acting up, and I just generally don't feel well.

Leroy and I got into an arguement last night. He says I treat George and Jamila "special" and he said it in front of all the kids. My back hurts, I want my carrot juice and don't feel like making it. I JUST FLAT DON'T FEEL GOOD.

Sunday, September 16


Lemon Pepper Baked Chicken, Angel hair pasta with herbs, Stuffing, tomatoes and cucumbers in Italian dressing, bisquits, applesauce. I'm pooped now. Totally out of steam!
GREAT weekend

Well I spent a great weekend with my girls. We cleaned, went shopping, planted plants, bought a new table clothe and kitchen towels, and burner covers. They are outside eating freeze pops now on this beautiful day in September. I have had quite a bit of energy and have taken advantage of it. The boys have been working with their Daddy all weekend on a man's yard. Georgie (9 years old) made $45, Jake made $80, and I don't know what Leroy made but he gave me $40 to shop with and that is what I used to buy the new kitchen stuff. I also bought thingys to put the VHS tapes in. We have a ton! They were stuffed in a cabinent on the entertainment center. Now at least 80 of them are organized! We really need some paper/cardboard covers for some of them and we could write on that what they are. Lots have lost their covers as time as went by..

I put a new TV and DVD player on lay away at K Mart for Leroy for Christmas. He has really been wanting one, so he's gonna get it ;-). That will be for our bedroom and we will give either Jake or the girls the one we have in their now. I hope Jake buys himself a little TV with the money he made this weekend though!

Well, I am making the family chicken tonight and need to get started! I want a glass of carrot juice too while I am in there. It's early bed time tonight in preparation for the work week and school.

Hope your weekend went well!

Saturday, September 15

Maybe someone should reply to this: who would benifit frome the u.s attaks.. - As-Safir Discussion Forum
I found this article written by "the other side". The Invisible Afghanistan There are links to other pages that may interest someone.
FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitive - Usama Bin Laden
Peaceful Night

I just got back from a meeting, having some carrot, peach & apple juice that I juiced myself. Leroy took the kids to Blockbuster (yes, at this time of night), and I have a few minutes of calm.

Leroy brought home a tall shelf for plants from the job he did today. I've put it on the front porch in front of the window. I like to see plants out side of the window and it also partially blocks the view into the house from the outside. I am one of those people who have to raise the shades every morning and when it gets dark it is easy to see in the house. Our dinner table is right inside that window and folks look in while we eat ;-). So, one evenings we are a little slow to shut the blinds the view will be partially blocked and we will get to see pretty plants outside the window.

Have a nice night! I'm off to take a hot, oily bath.
American Tragedy - How to Help
12 Step Program for Web Addiction

While I was doing my last post, Lee Lee went in the laundry room and poured bleach on all the clothes that were in there. It's not like she doesn't know better. Then, I told her to go to her room, while I was trying to salvage stuff, and when I came out, she was in the freakin' livingroom watching cartoons!!!! Now try to keep your serenity with that shit going on!

I just thank God, I'm not a drinker anymore. My temper has cooled considerably.
Up and at 'em!

You've never heard that before, have you? Well, Leroy and the boys have gone to do a side job. One thing for sure, those boys will know the value of hard work. The girls and I are going to the grocery store and the drug store. Started out slow this morning, but I'm perking up. It's still cool and breezy outside. A left over from the storm. Leroy will be working probably all this week end helping folks clean up. No AC needed again today! That is unusual for September in Tampa, FL.

You know I talk about AC, but what I haven't said is that this is the first place I have really had as an adult with Central Heat and Air. I remember it being so hot at night in the summer time that I used to wet towels and put them over the kids to keep them cool at night. This will be our 6th Christmas here. We moved in Dec 7, 1996. I love our little home. God has blessed us!

Friday, September 14

Calm after the Storm

Branches are everywhere, some trees are down, but overall we did well. I don't know if we are going to get any more of the back lash, but right now it is calm and overcast. We were able to have the AC off today, and open some windows. Got quite a bit of house work done, so as I look around things are in order. I took a brief nap, maybe 15 minutes, before the phone rang.

I spent some time earlier reading some accounts of the Attack. I think I will go to the Hep C Forum and see what is up.
World Ends at 9...Pictures at 11!
Read this: Metafilter | Comments on 10034

Well the next door neighbor's tree fell down. Just by the grace of God it fell the only way that would not have hit their house, the car, or blocked the road. There are BIG gusts of wind. Up to 50 mph they say. My best friend, Lillie, who lives about 1/2 block away has lost her electricity due to her neighbor's tree falling.

We just watched the memorial service in Washington D.C. for the victims of the Attack On America. Billy Graham did the service with a Catholic Priest and an African American Minister coming up before him. It was 'real'. I have chosen not to comment on the tragedy. It is really too much for me to express opinion on. I'm just sad. For everyone concerned.

The kids are watching Emperor's New Groove on tape, and it is hard to believe that our satellite reception is still on. Funny through tragedies of all kinds, life goes on.
Back home!

Okay, I've gone to the grocery store and gotten supplies for the storm day ;-). It's funny.....I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning and felt good. Usually it takes all I have to get up in the morning, and yesterday I was dead......but this morning I felt fine. Got soaked going to the store, the wind is really picking up too.

I got Chocolate Chips for Georgie to make cookies. Plenty of fruit, cereal, water, etc. I am going to cook while I can, we may loose electricity. Hope your day is good ;-)!
Hurricane or Tropical Storm

Either one is rough, but it is coming through. All the schools are closed today, and I will be staying home. I really have to get to the grocery store first thing this morning though. Rain or no rain. The storm is suppose to be at full force at 2p.m. At least that's what it said last night. I'm going now to check on the news.

Thursday, September 13

America Morns

I have chosen not to post much this week. Our tragedy has effected me, along with the classes that I am teaching that ALWAYS wears me out! Nice group of young men this time. A bit more realistic and they seem to be able to see more long term than some of the classes. I have a few concerns, but none that could not be worked out.

Well, again it is time to get the girls up........and get on with my day. I feel better than usual....I took one of Leroy's Claritin's last night. I don't know why allergy pills taken at night would make me feel better in the morning. I don't have allergy's. Maybe it helps me sleep better or something........oh well, long as it works. They cost too much to take all the time though ;-), and I don't have my own 'script for them.

Tuesday, September 11


Leroy spends more and more time outside, maybe he always did, I don't know. It just seems like I need him more in the evenings now to help me with the kids, and he chooses to be outside talking to which ever man in the neighborhood is out there. So when I need him, he's not there. Then, first thing in the morning he want to bring up that Leighanne was across the street on a neighbor's porch putting dry dog food from the floor on the porch into the dog's water. I indicated that that is NOT the way I want to start the morning. He wasn't here to deal with problems last night, and I don't want to start my day with negative issues. Now "I" am accused of being self center. "I" who get up at 5:30 each morning to prepare his breakfast and lunch. "I" who make sure dinner is made even when sometimes it is all I can do to stand up. I work a full day just like he does.

When I went outside yesterday he told me that his recent supervisor was a good guy. This is the same man he had been having problems with. I indicated to him, when he was having the issues with the supervisor, that maybe if he would attempt to look at the situation differently he may see something differently.

His attitude sucks lately. Of course, some of this could be explained by the emotional strain of finding how just how far progressed my liver damage was, and of course me attending several AA mtgs a week, but I am having to deal with these issues just like he is. If he is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem. If anything I need a little help now, where maybe I didn't before.

He goes to the Liver Doc today to see how he is. I go to court. If you don't know what I am talking about with the court thing, read the last half of May and start on June.

Well, today is picture day at school, and I have to do the girl's hair.

Monday, September 10

Monday, Monday

I am teaching my class of noncustodial parents this week. As I have spoken of before I teach them, job readiness and life skills. This time I am making sure that I try to get them to get tested for Hep C. They are strong, young men and if they got tested now they would have time to make certain life style changes that could contribute to their long term health.

In the meantime, this class is wearing me out! It is always makes me tired, but I am really feeling it this time ;-).

We are having Tuna Helper tonight and I am adding Broccoli (how ever that is spelled). I don't know if I want to eat though.

Sunday, September 9


Okey Dokey, you can find out all about our Beef Sausage Dinner if you want to. George helped me cook again as usual. He made the Oatmeal cookies and the corn bread. Every thing is cooking right now. The whole dinner only takes about 45 minutes and that includes cutting veggies for the salad and all. Little by little I will start replacing my meat with firm veggies like eggplant, broccoli, etc. They say all raw veggies are the way to go, but I have to take it slow ;-).

I'm going to bed early tonight ;-)
News about Joy

Well........Joy has been in touch on a pretty regular basis. Last time we talked, the asshole cussed and hung up the phone. I called back. I am sorry Joy has to go through what she is going through, but she will never learn otherwise I guess. Hard Head! Later on she will regret this decision so badly and it will bring so much pain to her. It is SO sad. I screwed up so much shit when I was young, and now I get to sit back and watch my daughter do the same freakin' dumb ass stuff.

Dinner is simple tonight. I will put it on my dinner page ;-)

Last night when I tried it the carrot juice tasted kind of weird, but this morning it tastes good! About 4 carrots and an apple. Getting the kids to like it is another story. I just have to keep giving it to them like I do with other Veggies and stuff. Now I am a meat and potatoes girl, so this is all kind of weird to me........but we do what we have to do ;-).

Leroy went yesterday to help a friend and is not home yet. The truck hub blew off one time, then next time I talked with him they had fixed that and were about a hundred miles away going to pick up a transmission for the other guys truck, then at 4:30 a.m. I called him and they were outside of Gainesville coming back this way. I have no idea where he is now, but I am starting to get worried.
Carrot Juice

Bought me a juicer yesterday and am starting to do the juice thing. I have to start making some changes in my diet if I expect to live for any lenghth of time. At least I can do that. Little by little I am going to start cutting out all red meat and pork. Fun, Fun!

Saturday, September 8

Dinner Page

Okay I did some editting. I am not finished yet, but if you click on the link to the right-----where it says "What's for Dinner, Jamie" you will find the results of my morning work on this section. Had to redo the whole page but that's okay! Anything for YOU!
An Award

Well someone gave me an award for this site, but we must keep in mind that the template was done by a great talent at Point of Focus. I am an beginner who really enjoys this, but I want to make sure folks get credit. buddy Daniel did my heading for me. I just talk and add tons of stuff I like ;-).

I need more coffee now, and maybe a couple of Aleve ;-)

Friday, September 7

Night, Night

Well, most of today has been a good day. I am tired now, but I deserve to be. I gave a full day's work, got home, let the kids run me crazy, went to church and now I will do some posting, some reading, take a nice hot, oily, bath and hit the sack.

Leroy is with a friend helping him move his truck or something. I don't get as upset as I used to when he stays out with friends. It's not like he's messing with women. He needs his space too. I like to go to meetings, church and mess with my computer......he likes to help folks, work in the shed, fix cars, etc. I guess we are pretty normal. Comfortable. OH........and guess what happened last night?!?!?!? I'm not telling ;-)!
Okey Dokey

And everyone is ready and off they goooooo.......of course Jamila could not find her shoes til the last minute. Now all I have to do is take the little curlers out of my bangs and I'm gone too ;-)!
First cup of coffee.....

If I can just get this first cup of coffee down, I will have it made. DID NOT want to get up this morning. Have made Leroy's breakfast and a couple of sandwiches for him for lunch. Boys are up and ready, now it is time to get the girls up. Jamila (8) picks out her own clothes now, and does her own thing except for her hair. Soon I will take a picture of that child's hair and let you know what I have to deal with! I have to do most everything for Lee Lee, but her hair is not that hard to do. I have to dress Destiny still, she can basically do it, but it always ends up backwards and inside out. Isn't that weird? I wonder what the odds are of clothes ALWAYS ending up backwards and inside out.

I have not heard from my friend Daniel in a while. I guess he's a big shot Microsoft Technician now and doesn't have time for his blogger buddy ;-)!!! I'm teasing of course. I have met such wonderful folks on the Internet. One, I had talked to for years, Al, he is an older man who lives up North. Anyway.....I have not heard from him in a while and I am worried. Seems like if you have friends online, and something should happen to you.....a person should instruct their family how to inform those friends. Are we any less friends because we don't see each other in person, I think not. In a lot of cases you even share more with your Internet friends. I'm not sure why ;-).

Well I have been typing 10 minutes and I have girls to work with. Hope your day is good. I'm starting out a train (I like trains)......but I am going to pick up steam soon ;-)!

Thursday, September 6

Hectic Life.......FOR REAL

Yesterday we had a fund raising luncheon for my job (which is with a nonprofit organization for those who don't know). It was great but totally wore me out and all I did was show folks to their seats. I am extremely busy at work and that is not too bad a thing. I like my job, on good days. In the afternoons, I really can't think clearly enough to get much done though ;-)!!

Well, I am off to a meeting. They put me on this Policy Board for Head Start. I know I will not be able to attend much, but I have to do my community thing ;-)!

I have to fix all these pages Saturday or Sunday. My background and banner is gone from my photosite, but that's okay, I'll fix it. Also my dinner page is messed up. Have to work on it and add a dinner someone sent me ;-). Want to try to get some sun too before I go on my medication. They say it makes you not be able to tolerate sun.

Anyway.............see ya'!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 4

From A Friend

Another day is passing and I'm going crazy. The kids are acting nuts and if I can get through without burying one in the back yard I will be okay. My back hurts, and I am tired, but mentally I feel okay. Work was busy and I got NOTHING done. Tomorrow is our BIG fundraising luncheon.

Georgie baked a chocolate cake and I want to eat the whole thing BAD!!! With Milk.......

Monday, September 3

Good Mornin' , Mornin'

Hello Sunshine, Wake up Sleepy head. Why did we move that Bojangle Clock so far away from the bed. Just one more minute, that's why we moved it, one more hug or two. Do you love waking up next to me, as much as I love wakin' up next to you.

Sunday, September 2

Brighter Day

I am so encouraged. I contact the web master of the best Hep C site and she sent me the most encouraging email. I feel really great about it!! I will put more detail on the 12 step site as I am trying to keep my regular stuff here separate from my Cirrhosis and AA stuff.

Anyway........Dinner was steak, corn on the cob, and Rice a Roni (the San Fransico treat!). My Girls are bathed, hair washed and smelling good, Leroy stained the trim on the shed today, and I rested quite a bit. Watched the dumbest movie I ever saw. Forgot the name.

I'm happy!!

Slept In This Morning

Destiny has had a temp for the since Friday night. Guess her "Periodic Fever Syndrone" is kicking in. I got up at 5 a.m. and gave her Tylenol, and was even able to sleep until 9 a.m. myself today. I would really like to go to Hillsborough River State Park today and take the kids on a nature walk. I don't want to go if Leroy won't go though, so we will have to see.

I have to go grocery shopping this morning too! Dang we eat a lot around here!

Saturday, September 1


Leroy and I went to the flea market this morning and had a little fun. It was really HOT, but we wore straw hats. Was really tired when I got home so I watched Miss Congeniality and Meeting the Parents. They were fairly good movies. I was going to cook, but now have made up my mind to go to a meeting so I will not have time. Guess they can have sandwiches ;-).

Haven't worked much on my cooking site, and I'm a little disappointed with will be okay though.

I am making a video of the the world as I see it ;-). I am getting quite self centered lately ;-). I wish there was some way all my siblings could get together. I called my sister Sherry and brother Billy the other evening. Paula and I talk more. I am so glad I have her in my life now!!!! Such a wonderful young woman with a wonderful family. Well, if I am gonna go, I better go get myself together. Hope you are having a nice evening. God is Good and all is well............